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Earthquake in Taiwan, legalization of cannabis in Germany, calligraphy contest in China and a wedding under the ice of a frozen lake in Finland — the main photo news of the week

Earthquake in Taiwan, legalization of cannabis in Germany, calligraphy contest in China and a wedding under the ice of a frozen lake in Finland — the main photo news of the week


In early April 2024, NATO celebrated its 75th anniversary: Ukraine was invited to the celebration, but not yet to the Alliance itself. This did not come as a surprise, so we continue to live life and appreciate every moment as the war goes on.

Every Friday, Zaborona’s photo editor Pavlo Bishko makes a selection of the most striking photos from around the world about the week’s most important events and those that went unnoticed.

Kyiv, Ukraine

Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine

Rafah, Gaza Strip

Bnei Brak, Israel

Istanbul, Turkey

Achim, Germany

Taunton, United Kingdom

Hualien, Taiwan

Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture, China

Sanaa, Yemen

Taipei, Taiwan

Lapland, Finland

Berlin, Germany

Druzhkivka, Ukraine

Kazan, Russia

Paris, France

Lübbenau, Germany

Baghdad, Iraq

San Juan Bay, Puerto Rico

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