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Editorial office

Friends, Zaborona stays in touch 24/7.

Our small editorial office works in turbo mode. We try to provide you with all the proven news as soon as possible. All our resources are used to monitor the military situation. All our employees take an active part in this work.

Please help us. Any financial assistance to our small but professional media will help us continue to prepare non-stop news for you.

Our hryvnia account:

Name of the recipient: ZABORONA MEDIA
Recipient code: 41240059
Recipient’s account in IBAN format:
Bank name: “PRIVATBANK”

Our crypto wallets:

ETH 0xcac7b5af2859dae35ad28d38ebd5a0665897f8c2
BTC 15iQ5jz7Whhke1f6StJ2oTgJNu6wiY4wU8

Our Estonian account:

Reg No: 80607977
Address: Erika 14, Tallinn, 10416, Estonia

Bank details
Account (IBAN): EE961010220294334226
Bank: AS SEB Pank
Address: Tornimae 2, Tallinn, 15010, Estonia
Reg No: 10004252
Currencies: EUR, USD, GBP

Thank you! Ukraine above all! We will win!

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