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A collapsed bridge in the US, the trial of an Italian teacher, protests in Hungary and Holy Thursday in Senegal — the main photo news of the week

A collapsed bridge in the US, the trial of an Italian teacher, protests in Hungary and Holy Thursday in Senegal — the main photo news of the week


The aggressor country continued carrying out terrorist attacks this week: every night Ukraine hides in shelters, and during the day repairs the damage and mourns the loss of the dearest ones.

Look at the damaged buildings and events in other parts of the world in the traditional selection of Zaborona’s photo editor Pavlo Bishko.

Kyiv, Ukraine

Glasgow, Scotland

Seville, Spain

Moscow, Russia

Tokyo, Japan

Kraków, Poland

Baikonur, Kazakhstan

Petropolis, Brazil

London, England

Tangermunde, Germany

El Paso, Texas

Itaguai, Brazil

Leeds, England

Budapest, Hungary

Naples, Italy

Dakar, Senegal

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