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Israeli troops in Gaza, Cyclone Remal in Bangladesh and a giant picnic on the Champs Elysees — top photo stories of the week

Israeli troops in Gaza, Cyclone Remal in Bangladesh and a giant picnic on the Champs Elysees — top photo stories of the week


Every week, Zaborona publishes photographs that highlight important events of the last seven days in Ukraine and the world. This time, the editorial team has selected images from President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s visit to Ukrainian F-16 pilots in Belgium, the EFES-2024 national military exercises in Turkey, a traditional hill race for Gloucester cheese in England, and a record 52 °C heat wave in India.

Athens, Greece

Tbilisi, Georgia

Kyiv, Ukraine

Melsbroek, Belgium

Lisbon, Portugal

Israel and the Gaza Strip

La Paz, Bolivia

Reykjavík, Iceland

Brockworth, England

Ashaghi Askipara, Azerbaijan

Satkhira, Bangladesh

Enga Province of Papua New Guinea

Varanasi, India

Mexico City, Mexico

Vienna, Austria

Izmir, Turkey

Paris, France

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