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The Last Rear. Lviv Is Preparing for Hostilities in the City

The Last Rear. Lviv Is Preparing for Hostilities in the City

Vseslava Soloviova
Останній тил. Львів готується до бойових дій у місті

At the beginning of the war, peaceful life in Ukraine was transferred to Lviv, a city to which, everyone was certain, the war would certainly not arrive. Even in the most pessimistic maps published by British and German tabloids delineating Russia’s incursions, the arrows describing attack routes never reached Lviv. But after the bombardment of the airport and twelve days of ceaseless air attacks, the covered stained-glass windows of various churches, wrapped up statues on the Market Square, courses at the Lviv movie center on how to use AK-47s and buildings in the city center surrounded by sandbags – after all that, military operations in Lviv’s very center no longer seem to be an impossible thought. Zaborona reveals what the city looks like after two weeks of martial law.

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