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“I Will Definitely Survive to See a Wonderful World without Russia.” Diary from under the Shelling in Severodonetsk. Week Two

“I Will Definitely Survive to See a Wonderful World without Russia.” Diary from under the Shelling in Severodonetsk. Week Two

Svitlana Stepanchuk
Сєвєродонецьк і війна в Україні. Онлайн-щоденник. Тиждень другий

“Until February 24, 2022, I was kind, I held festivals, rode a bicycle, and thought about innovations. Now I’m angry, writing from Severodonetsk, which is being shelled by the Nazis.” This is a description of the Twitter page of Arif Bagirov, a 45-year-old local historian and a native of Severodonetsk. Before the war, he headed the Pruzhyna creative movement, was involved in the development of the city, and saved the Belgian heritage in the Luhansk region. Today, he is trying to survive by staying in his hometown, which is constantly bombarded, including with phosphorus bombs. All this time Bagirov has been writing down his life, thoughts, and chronicles of the shelling on Twitter. With the permission of the author, Zaborona publishes lines from his online diary. You can read the first part here.


8:36 Severodonetsk reports. Fighting took place all night on the outskirts, but the Nazis did not enter the city, it is under the control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Now you can hear booms in the distance, and that’s it.

In short, we live and always will)))))

13:30 Severodonetsk, danger! Russians have intensified and continue to kill civilians by firing on kindergartens and hospitals. Everyone to the shelter…

15:25 There is also good news: Severodonetsk has got the Internet from Lanet provider. Download the series, and use payment terminals – it’s not clear how long it will last…

14:12 In such awkward moments of life as now (and sometimes it seems to me that my whole life is a continuous awkward moment with breaks), I rejoice in my loneliness. And not because I am afraid to be responsible and take care of, but because I would be afraid for someone in such a situation. But now it’s normal, it’s freedom! If I survive – I will think about this)))

17:29 It’s snowing, unpleasant wet snow. Let all heat-loving “Russian liberators” Tulegens and Ahmeds become as disgusted as possible, and go home from my hometown, freaking out and shooting commanders)))))

20:24 Russians Nazi’s “liberated” Severodonetsk from the Children’s Tourism Center. And it had, among other things, two museums – ethnographic and historical, which we were going to develop. And these are the last photos from the Center. Let’s remember. And take revenge…

22:25 Severodonetsk is shaking again, now it’s stronger

23:52 Severodonetsk! The strongest blow and fire in the old districts ((((((((


00:48 I don’t expect anyone to overthrow the Fuhrer – they are too craven. I hope that this creature will die now!!! Let all the hatred of Ukraine tear this filth to pieces. They use Grad rocket launchers firing the sleeping city! Oh you the Nazis, you will be cursed…

8:14 Severodonetsk reports. At night, the Russian Nazis were destroying the city using Grads. The most brutal attack ever. Our city is now without gas and heating, a humanitarian catastrophe is brewing. Will tell you about the destruction later.

I have no other news for you…

11:54 Russians have a celebration. They are glad that they left the planet without the biggest plane, “Mriya”. That’s all you need to know about this country, which certainly shouldn’t exist now. No deputinization – only dismemberment and complete control, otherwise it will sooner or later start killing again.

22:41 What’s also good is that the Russian fascists are wrapped in Saint George ribbon, this way burying both Nazi and communist cannibalistic ideology with their bodies. It’s so symbolic…

23:45 Severodonetsk is being bombarded again (((((


8:04 Severodonetsk woke up to the sounds of cannonade under the Ukrainian flag. Russian fascism has not passed, the people are not saddened, they support the military defending the city. Nobody needs a Russian herd here, nobody called them here, and nobody offered vodka))))

11:03 So, the numbers of Russian losses in Ukraine have become five-digit and have already surpassed those of the Afghan war. What about their small and victorious operation? And Ukraine will be written down in world history as a country that ruined the largest and most terrible country on the planet)))) Hold on!

12:07 Kherson citizens are incredible! The occupiers are being sent to where they came from. Keep it up, and may God protect them from the Nazis!

13:29 Do you know why the Nazis are destroying Chernihiv, Kharkiv, Mariupol, and many other cities with the highest percentage of Russians? (Do not confuse them with Rushists [Russian+Fashist]). They take revenge for not bowing to their Fuhrer. Helpless aggression, that’s why…

14:36 ​​World Jewry is also in daily shock. One day enemies bombarded the Babyn Yar memorial, then the Jewish cemetery in Bila Tserkva, then the Jewish school in Kharkiv. The Jews already know exactly who the real Nazis are.

It’s time for the Hasidim to get “fire whips” (pulsa da nura), it’s the time …

21:06 The Nazis shelled Kramatorsk. Oh, what morons you are. No forgiveness, no mercy.


00:56 I’m tired. As long as it’s quiet and Russians “non-fascists” don’t destroy the Severodonetsk housing estates, I will go to my neo-fascist, aggressively Russophobic bed until they demilitarize it)))) Tomorrow we will continue…

9:20 Severodonetsk traditionally woke up to the cannonade of Rushist guns. The city is under the control of Ukraine. There is no water, but a strong desire for all this Rushist game to end sooner and for the Nazis to return home. Preferably dead…

11:27 A heavy bombardment in Severodonetsk. I hope they wouldn’t hit the area of the Azot chemical plant

11:54 Something very heavy is already falling in the city.

21:44 Ukrainians, who are now living with hatred for the fascist country, should comfort themselves with the fact that everything will end quickly in Ukraine, and Russians will not live for a long time. They’ll die from hunger, from our terrorist attacks, from the civil war that we have to start. “Martyrs”? OK, let’s go get some popcorn))


00:31 Our governor Haidai was awarded the Order of Bohdan Khmelnytsky. I’m not on good terms with him, I presented some issues that he didn’t resolve (but now it doesn’t matter), but yes, he deserves it. A difficult area is standing strong and fighting back, and this is the main thing. Congratulations!

8:56 Severodonetsk woke up to the sounds of artillery. But this roar is pleasing to the ear because it is the military defending the city, clearing the land of the Luhansk region from invaders. Electricity, gas, and water, in general, are available, there may be interruptions in some areas after the shelling.

So far so good…

9:28 “We want to live, our neighbors want to see us dead, it leaves little room for compromise.”

Golda Meir

13:34 Dead Russians lie near one occupied settlement. Local authorities asked the Nazis to do something with them, and they said they had no instructions and they don’t care. What an attitude…

That’s all you need to know about “we don’t leave our people”))))

14:31 Severodonetsk feeds the military with homemade food, warms, and supports in every way. The occupiers stand either in the fields, in the woods, or in a hostile environment, with no comfort conditions. They can, like their predecessors, demand “milk and eggs” in the villages or fire from the tank at the local shop, but it will not help them))))

18:36 Ukrainian weather again betrays Russian killers – we now have snow and our tanks are in the city, and they did not take any city, only villages, and towns. Russians can only throw bombs on civilians, like rats, then leave equipment, and surrender. They can’t even lie…


9:11 Morning in Severodonetsk. There is a little snow, -2 degrees by Celsium, it’s gloomy, moderately quiet. The city is still Ukrainian, and the herd of Russian occupiers continues to croak around. Then they will die on the outskirts, then on the streets – here some unpleasant surprises instead of flowers are waiting for them))))

10:00 Every night, the fascist Nazis kill several children, justifying these atrocities by the whims of their Fuhrer. This regime must be destroyed, it is pure Satanists…

13:28 Severodonetsk will fight to the last at least because no one here wants to be in a rogue country without the benefits of civilization. Among the slave monsters who rejoice in the death of children. The old women will throw stones from the windows at the occupiers, just to avoid being in a Nazi concentration camp…

15:16 Bombardment in the new areas, people say there are no undamaged houses. It seems that the heating is turned off, and the Internet is down. The car depot is on fire. The Nazis are preparing the city for a humanitarian catastrophe – they can’t fight another way…

15:56 The city center was fired upon! Cruelly! We are being killed – I myself saw shots flying from the side of Voronovo!!!! The buildings are shaking…

18:44 No connection for more than an hour, but now it’s working…

19:10 I will survive. I will definitely survive – at least just to see this beautiful world without Russia…


00:17 Now in the Luhansk region the weather is the most unfavorable for the Russian fascists’ heavy equipment – there is wet snow, which will freeze until morning. And our land has hated Russians since the Bulavin Uprising. It remembers well who they are…

9:21 Our traditional column “Morning in Severodonetsk”. The flag is Ukrainian, and so is the mood. Fascist attacks on the city were unsuccessful, artillery shelling was futile. So far it’s quiet. Heavy snow is falling, complicating the occupation of the poor Rushists. God is with us, and they are devils – so we will win!)))

13:27 Heavy artillery is firing on Severodonetsk, yet hitting the outskirts. Soon they will take aim and continue to bring us the Russian peace – I mean death and destruction.

13:53 It’s quiet now.

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