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“Pray for Us, Please…”. Diary from under the Shelling in Severodonetsk. Week Three

“Pray for Us, Please…”. Diary from under the Shelling in Severodonetsk. Week Three

Svitlana Stepanchuk
“Pray for Us, Please…”. Diary from under the Shelling in Severodonetsk. Week Three

“Until February 24, 2022, I was kind, I held festivals, rode a bicycle, and thought about innovations. Now I’m angry, writing from Severodonetsk, which is being shelled by the Nazis.” This is a description of the Twitter page of Arif Bagirov, a 45-year-old local historian and a native of Severodonetsk. Before the war, he headed the Pruzhyna creative movement, was involved in the development of the city, and saved the Belgian heritage in the Luhansk region. Today, he is trying to survive by staying in his hometown, which is constantly bombarded, including with phosphorus bombs. All this time Bagirov has been writing down his life, thoughts, and chronicles of the shelling on Twitter. With the permission of the author, Zaborona publishes lines from his online diary. You can read the first and second part by the links.


00:31 It seems to be quiet, we can sleep. Although now all over the country people can’t sleep peacefully. Tons of Russian death can fall on any of the sleeping cities and towns. And may the Almighty save every Ukrainian, and may he curse the Ruscist fools. Although they are already cursed …

7:25 Severodonetsk woke up to explosions somewhere very close. Russian fascists generously use artillery – they don’t spare death for us. The whole city is shaking.

This is a “good morning” from the murderous nation…

9:39 Cool weather! If the Russian fascists were sitting in their houses, drinking windshield washers, and not breaking in here to die and kill, I would already be in the woods skiing. This year there was little snow, I hadn’t enough time for sports. But no, the Ruscists deprived me of this, and for skiing that I miss I will take revenge separately)))

11:05 Today the situation is more dangerous than ever, constant bombardments starting in the morning, and, judging by the sounds, enemies are near. It seems that the fate of Mariupol awaits us: is you can’t take it – then destroy it. Russians can’t fight differently…

12:05 I have no doubt that we will win. The only question is whether there will be anything left of Severodonetsk after that. Judging by the conversations of those who stay and can’t leave – and there are probably thousands of them – they are ready for anything. It’s kind of a nightmare…

12:35 All the Fuhrer’s propagandists unanimously justify the bombing of the maternity hospital in Mariupol, each in his own way. Russians have realized that humanity will never forgive this, and so it is equivalent to all the terrorist attacks and genocides in history. And let them feed their herd with shit, they are omnivorous…

13:50 More than one or two of my friends in different cities were left homeless as a result of Russian “liberation”. I wouldn’t bet that I will still have a home tomorrow. So it goes…

14:44 Heavy snow fell over Severodonetsk, enemy shells flew with new force. But there is also good news: there are some of the most capable units in our region, which not only defend themselves successfully but fight the enemy. And Russians attack the city just because of hopelessness and their cannibalistic nature…

19:11 I’m afraid to jinx, but it’s been a few minutes of silence. The city is licking numerous wounds, preparing for new ones if necessary – and not preparing to give up. That’s all the news for now…

20:37 What to expect from a country where a dead man lies under glass in the center of the capital? And not just a man, but one of the bloodiest murderers in human history. For almost a hundred years, he has been spreading decay to this country, preventing anyone from escaping from this demonic control.

20:49 Question: “What about the evacuation?”

Answer: Trains don’t run. If the administration organizes something on this matter – I will inform you. Again, the way to the railway is also a problem: people with vehicles left with their families, those who stayed will not find gasoline. The road is dangerous …


00:22 When this savagery is over, I will hold a huge festival, with powerful headliners and the coolest installations that will be visible from space. The best people on the planet will dream of getting tickets there. In the meantime, I’ll go to sleep…

8:45 Greetings from the Russian Nazis…

8:49 Grad rocket launchers fire at the old districts. Maybe today Severodonetsk will be wiped off the face of the earth. The Nazis are serious. They don’t have enough brains to understand they will never take the city. But they are great masters at killing defenseless people and destroying schools and hospitals. Burn them all in hell!!!

10:50 Facebook has officially allowed hate speech about the Kremlin Fuhrer and his monkeys. This world will not be the same as before))))

7:22 The Nazis began the day with the shelling using Grads. The murder of Severodonetsk continues…

11:28 The next wave of Grads fire has started…

12:54 “Why does the whole world hate us? Russophobes!” It’s just because non-humans with the flags of your country bomb schools, kindergartens, hospitals, libraries, and everything at random. Millions fled, thousands died and hundreds of thousands were left homeless. You don’t deserve hatred – just contempt.

13:41 Now nothing hits Severodonetsk, fights are far away. You can take a break, but do not forget that an attack is possible at any time.


00:09 Severodonetsk goes to sleep in silence, which has lasted for several hours. I hope we will wake up in silence too, not like it was in recent days. And let all the madness of these days be the last…

In general, Shabbat Shalom to all of us and Glory to Ukraine!)))

7:31 The strongest blows to the city. Russian killers can’t sleep…

8:55 I hear the shooting, but not super intense. Somewhere on the outskirts

10:12 Fascist propaganda is accelerating the topic of chemical self-defense. I think we need to be ready for this because we don’t have to count on decency, prudence, and humanity. We are dealing with cynical nonsense, ready for anything…

11:12 War is war, and no one has abolished food. Scrambled eggs on bacon will brighten up all this stress from the shelling))))

11:50 A column of thick black smoke north of Severodonetsk, near Borova. Possibly a gas distribution station, gas station, or water intake…

12:02 The pack of Grads hit new districts (((((

14:43 There is relative silence for a long time, frost and sun. Severodonetsk withstood another fascist attack, and God knows how many of them are left. But we will stand as much as we need, we are reliably protected – you can see for yourself. So we relax, but we don’t relax…

15:42 Well, why should Ukraine be the place where all the demonic forces of this planet, which the main Satanist calls for help, should die? Probably because only we are able to defeat this concentrated evil – we are chosen!)))))

17:18 Yesterday I came across my new bicycle equipment, recently bought for the new season, and realized that was all. The places where I have always ridden are now under fire, and the deadly gifts there will wait for years for demining. Although now everything will not be the same as before…

19:40 We went to shoot at the city again. The pack of Grads has already fired at the suburbs. Severodonetsk is still defending and holding on.

19:42 Barrel artillery also works.

19:49 Everything calmed down so far, the fire is burning outside the Park…


7:50 Russian fascists continue to bring death in Severodonetsk. Again, we hear strong hits from all types of weapons.

Pray for us, please…

10:04 It calmed down…

10:19 Haidai announced a “ceasefire” and “green corridor”. The gathering of citizens for evacuation will take place at the City recreation center (Budivelnykiv) at 10 o’clock. Bus to Zolotarivka, train to Lyman and Slovyansk railway stations.

Although the silence is relative: it thunders around, but it has not yet gotten here. Decide for yourself…

10:55 There are lots of people to evacuate! I don’t know how many buses there should be to take everyone away from the Russians. And God forbid a shell will fall there now…

12:21 Haidai announced that the evacuation is being disrupted, the ceasefire is not observed, and the buses are not going anywhere…

13:20 Let’s talk about collective responsibility. It should be visible in everything, and every Russian who rejoiced for their athletes, quoted Dostoevsky, or raised the tricolor with pride, now has to share the bitterness as he shared the joys. That’s right, isn’t it?

13:56 As for me, the nation is strong and respected as much as it can influence its own leadership. Somewhere there is impeachment, somewhere there is the Maidan, which forces the authorities to pay attention to their own people. And somewhere the power humiliates people. Is this a nation? No.

15:14 I am so happy that my student daughter is already safe. Although now even Lithuania is difficult to call a safe place after it became clear that the slave owner roamed and wants blood. But in any case, it is better there than in Severodonetsk…

16:46 The Grad launchers fire through the city. Evacuation buses are not going anywhere, it’s dangerous…

17:22 Minus windowpane. Plus – I’m alive))))


12:18 It’s quiet now. And that’s good, I’m tired of this constant noise, Russian jerks disturbed my sleep))))

Good night everyone…

8:13 And how are things in Severodonetsk? Everything is great – it’s sunny and quiet))) Recently I heard the noise far away. I hope the whole day will pass like this, let’s see…

10:54 Now it’s loud. Vodafone mobile operator is turned off. The people are going to evacuate, may the Almighty bless its organization and protection…

13:38 Some noise in the district. But no blows to the city, thank God. Apparently, Russian killers are being driven away, let them be thrown into their concentration camp. We live, we stand)))

16:52 Evacuated from Severodonetsk and other shelled cities, and with them, my father, are successfully got on a train heading west! Everything is very good)))) No shelling in the city, it’s relatively quiet…

19:47 Chronicles of the city that holds on and does not give up…

20:08 I continue to think about collective responsibility. If the dog is sick and hopeless, and especially if it’s rabid, it should be isolated if not euthanized. No matter how fluffy ears or soft paws it had. Maybe there are good people in Russia, but they were unlucky, sorry…

23:11 The whole evening seemed quiet, without extremes. Severodonetsk is asleep, hoping that no one will disturb its peace – that’s the only with for tonight. And I, as part of this beaten, but a not broken town, also hope to crawl to the shelter. Shelter with a warm blanket)))

Good luck to all, Glory to the Armed Forces!


8:19 For the first time in several days Severodonetsk woke up not from shelling. This is wonderful and gives hope. Our soldiers do not let the Nazis into the cities of the triangle, they even threw the pigs toward their zoo. The zoo is collapsing before our eyes. And this is great news))))

10:51 There was thick snow, sub-zero temperatures – so freeze, freeze, Russian pigtail))))

17:11 How to prove the devilish essence of the racist regime in one tweet.

The girl was arrested for quoting the sixth commandment out of ten. That is, the Scriptures are no longer an authority – for quoting it they give a prison term, virtues are not respected, but the Orthodox fascist militarist Gundiayev is honored…

Well, aren’t they Satanists?

17:25 And let’s get down to the topic of Satanism among the Kremlin fascists. The Chief Rabbi of Ukraine asks all the Jews of the Earth to pray for the miracle of Purim so that the current bloody successor of the biblical Haman will end like him.

Purim will be celebrated tomorrow…

18:44 “Ukraine begins here, the sun comes to us first”, said in the anthem of the Luhansk region. And also it’s hiding from us first, and today it’s just a stunning sunset that I can’t take pictures of because it’s not very convenient right now. It’s not the best idea to stay on the balcony with a phone))))

22:43 When will I leave Severodonetsk? That time when I realize that the threat is over, I can exhale and rest. And we will have to rest – rethink, restart, in general, “fix the roof” until it began to leak. In the meantime, rest and postponement of problems for later is the accumulation of energy…

23:21 Silence is ringing over the city, without the usual rumble of the factory, driving cars, and shelling, which has become commonplace. The latter circumstance is especially pleasing and provokes one to go into a deep sleep. Time to sleep, good night))))


7:21 Yeah, Russian artillery continues to kill Ukrainians. The morning didn’t start well…

7:36 Russians are reinforced by rocket fire…

8:02 In fact, the good news is that neither we nor the world will have to have any decency in dealing with the killer country. Previously, they were treated simply as a fool, but now – as a leper. The time of tolerance and half-measures has passed; Russian fascism has removed the mask of decency…

8:07 “Abulia is a psychopathological syndrome that manifests itself in the form of a complete lack of free will. A person who suffers from abulia is not able to make even a simple decision, it is difficult for him to start any business.”

9:20 Severodonetsk received several blows from Grads. Very stupid, Russian fascists continue to shed blood and carry destruction…

9:41 A conventional fascism …

15:33 Today anxiety in the city is worse than yesterday but better than the day before yesterday. On the scale of danger, it’s 3 out of 5. So it goes…

19:09 I think after this war we have to take into account the lessons it taught us. One of them is civic self-organization. For example, how to act in case of fire, if you can’t rely on the rescuers. Or how to shut off the gas in the house. I’ll take care of it …

19:43 And I wonder if there is a cultural institution that is not destroyed by the Russian Nazis? Theaters, museums, churches – almost everything is destroyed. Barbarians, complete savages, destroy all the signs of civilization in their path. Savages and murderers…

21:55 In general, Purim tells us about how one madman decided to destroy the whole nation, but the people began to resist and fought back, hanging the killers on the gallows, prepared by them.

Doesn’t it resemble anything? Oh yes, we haven’t hung the main killers physically, but in general, they don’t have long to live)))

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