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“Life Goes on…” Diary from under Shelling in Severodonetsk. Week Five

“Life Goes on…” Diary from under Shelling in Severodonetsk. Week Five

Svitlana Stepanchuk
“Life Goes on…” Diary from under Shelling in Severodonetsk. Week Five

“Until February 24, 2022, I was kind, I held festivals, rode a bicycle, and thought about innovations. Now I’m angry, writing from Severodonetsk, which is being shelled by the Nazis.” This is a description of the Twitter page of Arif Bagirov, a 45-year-old local historian and a native of Severodonetsk. Before the war, he headed the Pruzhyna creative movement, was involved in the development of the town, and saved the Belgian heritage in the Luhansk region. Today, he is trying to survive by staying in his hometown, which is constantly bombarded, including with phosphorus bombs. All this time Bagirov has been writing down his life, thoughts, and chronicles of the shelling on Twitter. With the permission of the author, Zaborona publishes lines from his online diary. You can read the firstsecondthird and fourth parts by the links.


8:14 Morning in Severodonetsk. No explosions are heard, no fires are visible, and the sun is shining. The slave horde of Russian savages is now being methodically destroyed in the forests by the Cossack freemen, under whose protection the townspeople feel safe and believe in the inevitable victory of good over evil. We are still standing)))))

12:06 Happiness is when you hear an exit shot closer than its entrance. Even better is when you don’t hear the entrance shot, and it’s absolutely great not to hear anything at all. But this is not about us yet))))

14:17 We’re under attack, receiving packs of Grads from MLRS trunks.

14:23 Fires are burning…

15:27 Now the fires have started again, only from the trunks.

20:03 Symmetry is when I meet a Ruscist, I beat him with a stick, and when he is lying in a pool of blood, I will come and generously offer a bandage or brilliant green antiseptic, saying that I am a humanist. Well, actually, that’s what the Ruscists do with the cities: they destroy – and then they bring humanitarian aid…


1:10 It’s restless in the town, and in general, the day is not very good: without artillery duels, with rare but accurate strikes – there are casualties, damage to infrastructure, and fires. Another day of confrontation with aggressive war criminals is behind us. The struggle continues…

9:52 Well, it’s restless again in the morning, they shoot. So far it’s somewhere nearby. The city is still Ukrainian, and there are no other options. We are one day closer to victory…

10:53 When will I divide Russia into good and bad, guilty and innocent? When their bombs and rockets explode without killing women, the elderly, and children who are not guilty of anything. That is, never…

18:43 I was busy with household chores: I fixed something, broke something, and everything was as usual. Life goes on…

19:49 Until the Ukrainian night came to Severodonetsk, the Russians did not kill a single citizen! And this is good news, rarely a day in recent weeks we could boast of that. We believe that yesterday’s victims were the last ones, peace to their souls and death to the occupiers…

21:26 Pope, UN, and almost all international organizations are asking Russia to stop mass killings! But the country of swine doesn’t give a shit about everyone, no one orders them. And then these abominations complain about Russophobia. Concentrated abomination, just canonical fiends…


1:52 It’s embarrassingly quiet. Apparently, they went to bed earlier to make noise again at 5 o’clock, Russian devils. But while there is such an opportunity, you need to go to suppress the blanket, fight it, and then surrender to the mercy of the winner)))

Good night everyone, let’s sleep!

9:42 Waking up not from explosions is great! It’s even better to wake up from the call “Arif, take your food, we left it by the door”)))) And the spring sun and the anticipation of an early victory. The day started off well, let’s continue it in the same spirit))))

13:19 Hold on, Slavutych! The youngest city in Ukraine, where there is a part of many nations and where there are barbecues in the yards. Quiet and cozy, where I spent the cool days of the festival 86 and more…

Ruscism will not pass!

13:51 It’s restless today. Shots thunder very close, hit the city, and there is a victim. It is better not to come to the streets, Grad attacks are possible in the daytime, Russians don’t calm down…

17:36 It’s important! If you want to put seeds in the pocket of a living occupant, you need to clarify that raw should be taken. They already have the fried seeds in their pockets, along with hawthorn alcohol tincture and a portrait of their Russian Fuhrer. Yields in Ukraine should not suffer, even more, so spread this information!)))

19:19 It is already dark in Severodonetsk, fires are not visible, time to sum up intermediate results. All the fighting was going on around; shells rarely flew to the city. Currently, we hear remote noise, it’s relatively quiet. Let all this game end…

23:32 In peacetime, I would have thought it was fireworks, but now it’s something terrible! A whole sector is in small luminous dots…

This has never happened before. And the attack from Grads… The night promises not to be boring…

23:40 Another hit – it’s light as it’s the daytime…


1:48 I used to try to learn something new every day from different areas, but now I have to develop myself in military subjects.

I tried to look at the beautiful and inspiring things, and now I look at depressing destroyed houses, burnt scrap metal, and corpses ((((

But “this too shall pass.”

Good night!

10:01 It is gloomy, noisy, and not very good this time in Severodonetsk. But this is no reason to be sad, but even rejoice. The military is doing its job to deter the racists in Rubizhne, and the civilians are supporting them. In general, so far, we stand!))))

11:53 Winter is back))) Wet snow is falling, along with a strong wind, it seems to be hinting to the invaders that they are not welcome…

Get cold, Russian swine))))

16:33 I went to put the kettle on – and I ate like it was on Easter))) Well, I’m already gluttonous, but now I’m also stressed. So I’m full and strengthened in general.

22:32 The “decisive” week has passed. During it, the racists promised to take Severodonetsk and the agglomeration, but they occupied only the new districts of Rubizhne, on which their advance got stuck. The daily shelling did not break us. The famine did not come. So we hold on, and we’re doing this well)))

23:25 There are three things you can watch forever – fire burning, water running, and children-killing and hospital-destroying Ruscists whining that their captive creatures are not being treated politely. Let them rejoice that this human slag is being taken prisoner at all. Not all people are so good to do this to them…


7:46 Good morning, we are from Severodonetsk))) Ukrainian town, no matter how much the Russian occupiers dreamed of the opposite. It’s frosty, it’s snowing, the sun is shining, silence and confidence in victory are reigning…

We continue to show that we are of Cossack descent, no matter what price we have to pay for this freedom. But it is worth it!!!

9:45 Topics that annoy cotton propagandists, judging by their activity:

– our successes in mobilization, which they can’t even dream of;

– defense of cities for which they are not ready;

– gigabytes of content with dead or captive Russians, which they have nothing to oppose;

– supply of Western weapons…

22:10 The day is coming to an end, and what we have: shelling again, civilians killed in their homes, damaged Sadko swimming pool, broken pharmacies, and more. Another scar in the history of Severodonetsk, as well as another day of successful resistance to the occupiers. Victory will come soon!


9:19 Severodonetsk wishes everyone a good day, and asks not to worry))) After the traditional morning shelling, there is silence, which allowed some of us to sleep. We hope that this silence will continue, today the Russians will not kill anyone here and will not destroy anything. We are tired of them already…

16:05 One step closer to the destruction of the town. The racists have now left the whole of Severodonetsk without electricity. Life is getting harder. Let’s see what it would be…

21:44 The day was tough. Many strikes from all over and a number of victims is still unknown. There is no electricity, and with such dense shelling, most likely, it will not be restored soon, and the occupiers destroyed five cars of electricians. Sorry for such news, but there are no others yet. We’re standing…


7:29 Severodonetsk is here. Traditional morning shelling. There is no electricity, water, heating, or internet, but there is a lot of destruction. The Ruscists will not take the city, but they are trying to throw it back to the Stone Age. The Armed Forces are doing what they can, but they are not able to catch shells and missiles. It’s totally dangerous…

9:40 Many people are being evacuated today. It is understandable and good: fewer civilians will be killed by Russian occupiers with their bombs and missiles. But so far there is no smell of any ceasefire, it thunders loudly, constantly, and nearby…

16:43 It’s relatively quiet. There is no light. Bad connection. I’m saving the battery…


8:12 Morning))) Severodonetsk is standing, today the intensity of shelling is low. Of the benefits of civilization, only mobile communication is left, which is not bad. We save food, water, and electricity. It is unknown how long this will last. I decided to stay, maybe it seems stupid, but I see it that way, sorry.

13:16 I emerge from the silence regime with a tweet))) Nothing has been fixed yet, but they haven’t bombed us for a couple of hours. People have left, apparently safely. Everything is good, and it will be even better!

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