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“We Don’t Need Putin’s Horror Stories about Destruction.” Diary from under Shelling in Severodonetsk. Week Seven

“We Don’t Need Putin’s Horror Stories about Destruction.” Diary from under Shelling in Severodonetsk. Week Seven

Svitlana Stepanchuk

Until February 24, 2022, I was kind, I held festivals, rode a bicycle, and thought about innovations. Now I’m angry, writing from Severodonetsk, which is being shelled by the Nazis.” This is a description of the Twitter page of Arif Bagirov, a 45-year-old local historian and a native of Severodonetsk. Before the war, he headed the Pruzhyna creative movement, was involved in the development of the town, and saved the Belgian heritage in the Luhansk region. Today, he is trying to survive by staying in his hometown, which is constantly bombarded, including with phosphorus bombs. All this time Bagirov has been writing down his life, thoughts, and chronicles of the shelling on Twitter. With the permission of the author, Zaborona publishes lines from his online diary. You can read the firstsecondthird, fourth, fifth and sixth parts by the links


9:42 Sorry, I slept soundly))) Because I could. In principle, it’s relatively quiet and very sunny – spring is going to win, and we need to help it. So we will try)))

13:09 There are battles outside the town, constant noise, sometimes shells hit the town. Better to be in the shelter…

16:13 Talking about Severodonetsk as a place where the key events of the largest war of the century take place – it’s almost without fires, although with shelling. We stand strong, thanks to the army for repelling the Russcist attacks, and thank you for your support…

17:29 It seems they missed their target, the attack turned towards them …

In Rubizhne again they hit a tank with nitric acid. This time the cloud is moving towards Severodonetsk.

22:47 Before going to bed, let’s look at the photo “from early times”. This is Dima Shchebetyuk, a person compared to whom I’m nothing. There is so much spirit in him that I could not dream of. I showed him the Lysychansk waste heaps and echo in 2014. The next day there was already a new war, and he urgently returned to Kamyanets.


7:44 I woke up a long time ago, I’m listening to the sounds. If I’m right, the bombing is relatively far. This does not mean anything yet, the freaks have not yet ended, there are a lot of death and destruction that this stupid nation brings to the world. Russcists have done a lot for their money, there will certainly be shelling. But we don’t care anymore…

9:38 An article about Russcism. It needs to be translated into as many languages ​​as possible. This ugly phenomenon should not be repeated, and for this the whole world should know about it.


This is what we gathered near the Simya store in Severodonetsk, which was recently shot from Grad

14:16 Minus at least one more pharmacy in the city. And they were aiming at the bakery – apparently to create even more problems. The city has not yet been finished off to the end, periodically they hit it…

15:44 We are sitting in the basement, despite that we could have a picnic this time…

22:35 The last few hours were completely silent. After the day’s intensity it was suspicious. But we need to take the opportunity and go to sleep)))


8:11 Summary from the epicenter of the Battle of Donbas. In Severodonetsk we have spring and silence, active action is very far away, which means that the fecal wave of Russcist slaves is again thrown away from the city, which poor non-humans can neither take nor break.

We stand without relaxing but smiling. Good morning)))

10:11 Wrong: “Arif organized the movement.”

Correct: “Arif helped the self-organizing movement to gain meaning and form”)))

There will be news. Interesting news…

14:57 Enemy periodically hit the city from different weapons. We do not stick out, although we managed to deliver medicines to those in need. We sit in the basements, everything is fine)))

15:40 In general, this is the topic: due to numerous requests, we have undertaken to help those who can’t leave. Targeted, but spontaneously we deliver what is needed, because we can and want to)) Keep your fingers crossed and give addresses, preferably in the old districts of Severodonetsk. We will help as much as we can.

16:44 Small clarifications: there are few of us, we don’t have a car, no one donate to us, and we are not far away oligarchs – we are just not greedy and bold.. Therefore, the priority is vulnerable groups and critical things that fit in a backpack. Not enough for all of you, sorry…

23:20 At this moment, the silence allows the brainstorming. Well, what a brainstorming… It’s just that a new data array has been added to the previous cases, so it is necessary to overclock the processor. Well, we will – we will process, adjust and rush. Peace to everyone)))


7:00 A quiet morning, only birds can be heard. Since the evening there is no gas and light, but there is a certainty that this is the last dirty trick of the underdeveloped Russcists in our city. We save electricity and energy in general, we monitor the situation…

11:40 Today many artillery attacks are heard. We don’t stick out, we just sit and think. And so we stand))))


18:19 Calm down, just calm down))) Severodonetsk is in its place, me too. We were battered by shelling during these two days, especially the beautiful Friendship of Peoples, and on its square there is an unexploded shell – a “hello” from the neighbors, who can’t be called a people, because it is a herd of inhumans. Let’s stand strong)))

22:34 During two days without communication, I felt responsible for the fact that I couldn’t write here. I understand what it is like to be in ignorance. It’s one thing to dodge between the shells yourself, and another to wait for others from there. Well, I can’t promise to write every day, it doesn’t depend on me, but I promise not to lose heart))))

22:51 Traditionally before going to bed I show some pre-war photos. Last year at this time I:

1. Visited the former German colony of Bauerheim.

2. Conducted a cosmo-party.

3. Walked along the bottom of the Tethys ocean. 

4. Got some healthy water. 

And now that’s all. But it’s like, “This too shall pass”


“It was confirmed that the missile cruiser Moskva today went exactly where it was sent by our border guards on Snake Island!
Neptune missiles guarding the Black Sea inflicted very serious damage on a Russian ship”, the head of the Odessa regional military administration Maksym Marchenko said.


9:26 Good morning, we are from Ukraine! Eastern Ukraine))) And, despite the rain and a couple of packs of Grad shells, our mood is great. We normally ridiculed the threats to level us with the ground, not really understanding the joke. We are already being kicked by everything, except that they will be scared to use a “nuclear bomb”. Well, let’s see)))))

10:09 Minus gas, electricity, water. We did not rejoice in civilization for long. It is spoiled by non-humans who have never had such a luxury. But the refrigerators gained some frost overnight, and the batteries gained charge, so we hold on))))

16:33 It’s cloudy, restless, but it’s not the end, the shelling takes place as usual. By the way, we have electricity, and the connection is also tolerable. We don’t succumb to panic and disinformation, and we don’t need Putin’s horror stories on destruction. Is it clear? We have long seen these nightmares, but as we see the Armed Forces fight the enemy, we help, everything is OK))))

22:11 It’s quiet, everything works properly, we can sleep. It’s not the fact that this will last long, so we need to use it)))

And traditionally “from time immemorial”. Two years ago, these days, I admired churches as diverse as the Luhansk region itself

1. Shulhinka (new-built)

2. Baidivka

3. Tytarivka

4. Lozovivka (ancient)

22:57 The kingdom of liars and their slaves…

Cruiser Moskva sank while being towed in a storm, the Russian Defense Ministry said, – TASS

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